
back from the dead

after about two weeks, i'm finally back from the dead and all (or mostly) settled into my new house! sorority work week is under way and come monday freshman will be walking through the chi-o house doors and we'll be singing, clapping, and chatting our hearts out!

its been a whirlwind since my return back from the big city. not only did i just right into moving in, settling in the new house and sorority stuff...but i realized about two days after being back how much it was going to take for me to really "come back" from my incredible summer.

there is nothing -- and i mean nothing -- in college station that reminds me of new york. and while i still think about it almost every minute of every day, its a little sad not walking as much any more, taking the subway, or seeing so many people in one day. the quietness is nice but theres not much people watching here in college station. i miss my fellow interns, bosses and room mates so much. talking 24-7 with them doesnt seem like enough. i have never been so thankful for a summer in my whole life.

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