
The Met

having this week off of work has been such a blessing. ive been able to catch up on some sightseeing that has been high on my priority list, explore and relax around my neighborhood, walk a lot, shop a little, and soak in these last few days.

the Metropolitan Museum of Art was one of those high-ranking tourist locations that, since day one, i wanted to devote an entire day to. i spent about an hour there when Bobby was in for the day but our time was spent observing Japanese armor and admiring relics of the Sons of Liberty. i wanted a me trip. so, when i set tuesday aside for this jaunt to the upper east side i knew i was finally going to get to admire the exhibition i had been waiting for since my initial knowledge of my summer in the Empire State.

American Women: Fashioning an National Identity
talk about timing, right? one: this exhibit is only open THIS summer. two: i LOVE fashion and history! three: im a woman; therefore it applies (see the awkward man in the photo? he doesn't belong).

the exhibit took you through six fashion eras: the Heiress (1890s), the Gibson Girl (also 1890s), the Bohemian (1900s), the Patron and Suffrages (1910), the Flapper (1920s), the Screen Siren (1930s).

i paid extra for the listening device. not only to i enjoy having the upper hand by being more informed than the average museum-goer, but it was narrated by Sarah Jessica Parker. so i just had to! total hottie. total fashionista. totally new york. now let me just say that i totally geeked out, as my dad would say, at this exhibit. i literally threw my hair in a pony tail to get it out of my face, put on my 1990's headphones, whipped out my moleskin notebook for some good ol' note taking, and found my stomach hungry and my wrist sore from writing 2.5 hours later. i was a note taking machine. my finance professor would be so proud. at first i thought it was because photography wasnt allowed and i just wanted to draw some of the styles. but no sir, i was jotting down facts left and right. four pages worth. i would share them with you but that would defeat the purpose of getting the upper hand via listening-device now, wouldnt it?

seriously though, if i started writing i know i wouldnt stop so im going to stop myself right here. so go here and watch a little summary!

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