
celeb spotting at spunto

tonight for dinner my room mate Marissa and i decided to walk around the neighborhood and find a place we'd never been! after three failed attempts due to nasty menu selections, being closed, and strange people, we settled on Spunto Thin Crust Pizza - my favorite!

we (so smartly) chose to sit outside and guess who our table was right next to? alexis bledel - rory of gilmore girls!
it was my first celebrity sighting and marissa and i were beside ourselves. that is, until they opted to go inside because it was "too hot". i have a feeling that our girlish snickering and absence of conversation (because we were trying to listen in on theirs!) was the reason for their quick escape.

of course, typical hillary fashion the minute they walk outside to leave and we try to follow causally behind them the chain strap of my new purse fell between the cracks of the picnic table and i had to (not so quietly) yank the thing out of there. meanwhile bledel rubbed it in our faces by making out with her ever-so-attractive-boyfriend on the side of the street. foot pop included.

see you around the village, rory. or not.

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